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Content writing and content strategy are the main services I provide. However, thanks to my varied career, I've dabbled in a few different areas across SEO and PR. Find out more below.


Content writing

Content strategy

SEO expertise



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Well-written content is the difference between you gaining or losing a client or customer.


It's that simple.


A bad piece of content will plug your brand from the get-go.


It won't address the user's motivations, fears, or challenges. It won't contain a clear call-to-action.


The reader will forget about you and probably not come back.


That's why you need good content that does the exact opposite of the above.


Like this stuff, all of which I have experience of producing:


  • Website copy

  • Blog posts

  • Service pages

  • Podcasts

  • Social media copy (including ghostwriting)

  • Press releases (corporate and general)

  • News articles (as a journalist)

  • e-newsletters

  • Infographics

  • Whitepapers

Research is the cornerstone of every high-ranking piece of content.


Conducting audience and keyword research will help me understand: 


  • What your customers look like and how they behave.

  • What they search for (and what their intentions are).

  • What kind of content they're looking for.

  • What the competition looks like. 


Only by knowing the above can I give you content that's relevant, helpful, and impactful.


Without these insights, I'm taking a massive stab in the dark and potentially wasting your time and money.


Whether it's informational or commercial, short-tail or long-tail, I can find the right keywords for your brand to target.


I can also identify the relevant clusters to help you tell your story a multitude of ways, and can advise on your overall strategy if required.

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SEO expertise

For anyone who doesn't know the term SEO all that well, it stands for Search Engine Optimisation. In other words, optimising your website so that you appear at the top of sites like Google for the terms your target audience is searching for.


But that's not all SEO does for you. Utilised correctly, it also gives your users a great experience once they're on your website. Not to overstate the obvious, but:


A great user experience = a more positive impression of the brand = an increased likelihood of someone buying from you.


Despite what you may have been told, SEO isn't just about stuffing keywords on your website and hoping for the best. There's a lot more to it.


It's a broad term that encompasses many things, but my specialism is on-page SEO. That includes the following:


  • Metadata (i.e., page titles, meta descriptions, headings, sub-headings)

  • URL structures

  • Schema markup

  • General content optimisation (not just keywords)

  • Alt text

  • Embedded media

  • Internal and external linking best practiceset


I wrote about on-page SEO above, and one of the most fundamental off-page SEO strategies is coverage - and particularly backlinks. In SEO slang, these are called 'link juice', such is the boost they give your website.


Coverage without a backlink still has a certain value - but backlinks should always be the main aim of outreach. To quote Moz, they represent a "vote of confidence" for your brand. 


I've helped to secure coverage and backlinks in these titles among others:


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Let's work together

If you think I can help you take the next step in your journey, or want to find out more about me or my areas of expertise, fill out this form and I'll be in touch.

Get in touch

Thank you!

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